
Showing posts from May, 2022

What is Todorov's theory

Narrative structure theory by Todorov is about how the narration of stories is created. In this theory Todorov mentions that there are five stages that a character will go through those are: Equilibrium is a balance that is established at the start of a movie where everything is as it should be.  Disruption  something disrupts the equilibrium which will create a unbalance this is usually caused by a disaster.  Recognition  The character realises that the equilibrium is broken. Repair the damage they go on a mission to repair the unbalance caused by the disruption. Equilibrium again The character succeeds and a new equilibrium is formed or there is a restoration of the original equilibrium.  

Who is Todorov ?

Tvetan Todorov Was A Bulgarian French Historian  He was born in 1939 and died in 2017 Who was Todorov in media? Traditional narrative structures followed a formula which was identified by the theorist Tzvetan Todorov. todorov studied classic fairy tales and stories he discovered that narratives moved forward in chronological order with one action following after another. 

Preliminary Task

Media video   Here is my preliminary task, whilst filming I struggled with using a smartphone as the orientation of the shots became an issue. I want to pay closer attention to my use of sound next time as sometimes too much sound can compromise my intended effect. 

Target Audience For A Thriller

 What is a target audience? A target audience is a particular group of people that a product is aimed at.  Who is my target audience? I plan for my target audience to be 15-25 year olds it is aimed at a mixed audience but skews towards a male because the main protagonist is a male which saves the female.   Will they be a mainstream audience? My audience will be a mainstream audience who are looking for a safe option to watch. 

location Shoot

  Location is everything in regards to thrillers, I have looked at numerous locations that I think would be suitable. Each location has positives and negatives in terms of shooting, If I chose to shoot at the church I will have to seek permission from the parish warden. This applies to filming at school also. I believe that the churchyard is the most suitable for a thriller but does not currently apply to my idea for my final task.