My favourite Thriller Director


Michael Bay is my favourite Thriller director because of his work on The Movie Six Underground. 

Six underground was released in 2019 it is an action Thriller based in current times. in My opinion this is Michael's best work he really went the extra mile. He asked Youtube famous parkour group Storror to do stunts in his movie. This is one of the reasons why Michael is my favourite director. He looks outside the normal scope of talent to find what he needs. 

He also made sure that all Storror members were used in the movie some played bad guys and some were stunt doubles for the heroes as he realised that; the skills they had made some scenes look more realistic,  they were actually doing the moves on the set so it based the film more in reality and minimal editing was required.   

Here is another example of Michael going the extra mile to get the shots he wants. here he is putting his safety at risk because is one of the storror lads fell onto him while he was filming this would resort in serious injury for both but it is these type of risks he takes all the time and most people don't even realise. This shows his dedication to his craft which is another reason why i think this movie is one of his best. He is a hands on director he leads by example. 


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